O-Shot and G-Shot
What to Know About the O-Shot and the G-Shot
The O-Shot and the G-Shot are an injected medical procedure to enhance your ability to orgasm and the quality of your orgasm.
O-Shot and G-Shot are a type of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatment for your clitoris, labia and vagina.
PRP treatments have most often been used to treat injuries in athletes.
PRP has been used extensively to treat sports injuries, aid in recovery from surgery, and even treat medical conditions like hair loss.
It involves drawing blood from a patient, isolating the platelet-rich plasma from the blood, and reinjecting the platelet-rich plasma into a part of the body that needs healing.
The platelets have healing and restorative properties when injected into an injured part of the body by releasing up to 35 different healing and growth factors.
The O-Shot / G-Shot treatment involves injecting the clitoris, labia, and G-spot with your own blood serum and platelets. This component of your blood contains proteins called growth factors — extracted from your own blood. They stimulate the production of new blood vessels, improve tissue circulation, and creation of healthier tissue. This treatment is known as PRP (platelet-rich plasma).
The O-Shot was created by Dr. Charles Runels in Fairhope, Alabama. The original studies showed that there was a significant improvement in the female sexual function index. This is a questionnaire that is handed out to patients and they are able to answer it before and after the procedure.
Drs Runels, DeLucia, and other healthcare providers who offer the O-Shot find that it can improve vaginal sensation, sexual function, and a lot more.
Some reported benefits include:
After this, you’re all done and ready to get dressed and leave the office. In all, the procedure should take about 30 minutes.
With the combination of topical and injected freezing, the O-Shot is generally comfortable. The scary part is just thinking about putting a needle ‘down there.’ When our patients are asked to quantify their discomfort level between 0 and 10 the discomfort the average answer is 2 out of 10.
Potential side effects and complications
According to the studies on PRP injected the following side effects are possible (but very uncommon):
To date, there have been no long-term complications reported worldwide with the use of PRP in the O-Shot.”
The recovery from the O-Shot is very quick. You may experience a small amount of local sensitivity for a day or two. It is ENCOURAGED to have intercourse the same day as treatment to assist in the distribution of the injected PRP. For those individuals without a partner, “quality time” alone is another option
There are phases to the development of the effect:
Days 3 to 7 days you will experience heightened sensation in the area treated due to the actual fluid injection.
At approximately 3 weeks new tissue will begin to develop and will continue for the next 9 weeks, which then at 3 months will reach its peak development. These results last for a variable amount of time, but most patients report ongoing positive changes for 9-12 months.
In our office, only our physician, Dr Amber Bocknek administers the treatment directly. She has her Diploma in Non-Surgical Cosmetic Gynecology from the Canadian Board of Aesthetic Medicine
These issues are uncommon, but it is important to seek urgent medical attention if you develop:
These are signs of infection or adverse reaction.