These procedures are aimed at helping transgender individuals align their physical appearance with their gender identity. These procedures can be important components of gender-affirming care and may be chosen by individuals based on their preferences, needs, and comfort levels.
Here are some common non-surgical gender affirmation procedures that you can consider:
Botox® can help feminize or masculinize the eyebrows and jawline. Relaxing specific muscles softens facial features, creating a more desired appearance aligned with gender identity.
Face fillers enhance features by contouring the face, creating a more feminine or masculine appearance. They can add volume and definition to areas like the cheeks, chin, and jawline.
There is usually no risk associated with Botox® when administered by a trained professional. It is widely used for facial aesthetic adjustments and can be customized based on individual gender-affirmation needs.
By using laser hair removal, you can permanently remove unwanted facial and body hair. This procedure primarily benefits those who prefer smoother skin, aligning their appearance with their gender identity.
Latisse stimulates the growth of longer and thicker eyelashes, enhancing facial features to better align with a feminine appearance. It's a simple and effective way to accentuate the eyes.
Results vary depending on the procedure. Botox® and fillers offer immediate to gradual changes, while laser hair removal and Latisse require a few sessions for full results. Recovery is typically minimal, with most procedures having little to no downtime.